How to become a Python 3 Developer and get hired! Build projects, learn Web Development, Machine Learning + more!
Just updated for 2022! It's time to become a modern and complete Python developer! Join a live online course taught by an industry experts.
Learn Python from scratch, get hired, and have fun along the way with the most modern. python developer, This course is focused on efficiency: never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete Python tutorials anymore.
The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of becoming a professional Python developer. python developer, We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.
The topics covered in this course are:
- Programming Fundamentals
- Python Basics
- Python Fundamentals
- Data Structures
- Object Oriented Programming with Python
- Functional Programming with Python
- Lambdas
- Decorators
- Generators
- Testing in Python
- Debugging
- Error Handling
- Regular Expressions
- Comprehensions
- Modules
- Virtual Environments
- Developer Environments (PyCharm, Jupyter Notebooks, VS Code, Sublime Text + more)
- File Processing: Image, CSV, PDFs, Text + more
- Web Development with Python
- Machine Learning with Python
- Data Science with Python
- Automation with Python and Selenium
- Scripting with Python
- Web Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup
- Image Detection
- Data Visualizations
- Kaggle, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn
- Email and SMS with Python
- Working with APIs
By the end of this course, you will be a complete Python developer that can get hired at large companies. python developer, We are going to use Python to work with Email, Text Messages, CSV files, PDF files, Image Files, Data Visualizations, build our own machine learning model and perform Image detection. python developer, We are going to build a web scraper for HackerNews, build a Twitter bot, build the most secure password checker and we will also build some automation tools using Selenium. But the best part? We will build an actual portfolio website using Python that your future employer and customers can contact you at. By the end, you will have a stack of projects you have built that you can show off to others.
Here’s the truth: Most courses teach you Python and do just that. They show you how to get started. But the thing is you don’t know where to go from there or how to build your own projects.
Whether you are new to programming, or want to level up your Python skills, or are coming from a different programming language, python developer, this course is for you. This course is not about making you just code along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you don’t know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No! This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner with no coding experience to someone that can go off, forget about me, and build their own applications and get hired.
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