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Sat, 21-Sep-2024
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Course Overview: The Soft Skills for IT Professionals course focuses on essential interpersonal skills that enhance communication, teamwork, and problem-solving in the tech industry. In this course, you will learn the importance of emotional intelligence, effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment. These skills are vital for fostering collaboration, improving project outcomes, and advancing your career in IT. Key Topics Covered: Understanding emotional intelligence and its role in the workplace Effective communication and active listening skills Building and maintaining productive team dynamics Strategies for conflict resolution and negotiation Adapting to change and embracing a growth mindset Target Audience: This course is ideal for IT professionals, team leaders, and anyone looking to enhance their soft skills to improve workplace interactions and collaboration. No prior experience is necessary, making it accessible for all levels of participants. Join us to develop the soft skills essential for success in the tech industry